Model APS-25CH
Installation Manual
Note : When both Passive Arming and Voltage Sensing are selected, you must hardwire the driver’s door pin switch
in order to begin the passive arming sequence.
RF Programmable Features :
Feature Selection
1 Chirp
2 Chirps
3.5 Sec.
3 Chirps
4 Chirps
1 Sec.
1st Door L/UL
1 Sec.
1 Sec L, Dbl. U/L
2nd Accy Lock
Auto Lock On
Auto UL On
Auto Lock Off
Auto UL Off
Auto Lock Off
Auto UL Off
3rd Accy. UL
4th Passive Locks
5th Passive/Active Arm
6th Voltage Sense
Passive Arm
Voltage Sense
Active Arm
Active Arm
To program these selectable features;
System Response
1 Chirp - LED 1 flash
Turn ignition on No response
Press and release the valet switch 3 times
Within 3 seconds, turn ignition Off
Then On
Press transmitter Lock button to change
Press transmitter Lock button to change
Short chirp, then long chirp
1 chirp = 1 second door locks
2 chirps = 3.5 second door locks
3 chirps = 1 sec. lock, dbl 1 sec. unlock
Press and release the valet switch
Press transmitter Lock button to change
Press and release the valet switch
Press transmitter Lock button to change
2 chirps = auto locks off
1 chirp = auto locks on
2 chirps = auto unlock off
1 chirp = auto unlock on.
Press and release the valet switch
Press transmitter Lock button to change
Press and release the valet switch
Press transmitter Lock button to change
2 chirps = active locks
1 chirp = passive locks
2 chirps = active arming
1 chirp = passive arming
Press and release the valet switch
Press transmitter Lock button to change
2 chirps = hardwire
1 chirp = voltage sense
Turn ignition key off
Exit program mode
Note: Once you enter the feature programming mode, do not allow more than 30 seconds to pass between steps, or the
programming will be terminated.
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Select a desired mounting location for the switch, that is easily accessible to the driver of the vehicle.
The switch does not have to be concealed, however, concealing the switch is always recommended, as this
a 1/4" diameter hole in the location. Be sure to check behind the dash for adequate clearance for the body of
theswitch, andtoconfirmthatthedrillwillnotdamageanyexistingcomponentsasitpassesthroughthedash.
This wire is provided to flash the vehicle’s parking lights. Connect the white wire to the positive side of one of
the vehicle’s parking lights.
This wire controls the sensitivity of the voltage sensing circuit, which detects the turning on of an interior light
thealarmwhenathermostaticallycontrolledelectronicradiatorcoolingfanswitcheson. Itisrecommendedthat
when installing this system into vehicles with electronic “after fans”, the procedure for RED FUSED WIRE -
In voltage sensing applications, the closer to the battery that the red wire is connected, the less sensitive the
voltage sense circuitry will be. Moving this connection point to the fuse panel will increase the sensitivity and
Setprogrammingfeature#6tothe"OFF"position. Connecttheredwiretoa+12VDCconstantbatterysource.
The dark blue wire pulses to ground via an independent RF channel from the keychain transmitter. This is a
transistorized, low current output, and should only be used to drive an external relay coil.
WARNING: Connectingthedarkbluewiretothehighcurrentswitchedoutputoftrunkreleasecircuits
or some remote starter trigger inputs, will damage the control module.
Connect the dark blue wire to terminal 86 of the AS-9256 relay (or equivalent 30 A automotive relay) and wire
the remaining relay contacts to perform the selected function of channel 2.
Route this wire through a rubber grommet in the firewall to the siren location. Connect the white/black wire to
the positive wire of the siren. Secure the black ground wire of the siren to chassis ground.
Connect this wire to a solid, metal part of the vehicle’s chassis. Do not confuse this wire with the thin black
antenna wire that exits the control module independently.
Connect this wire to a source that supplies 12 VDC when the ignition key is in the ON and CRANK positions
and off when the key is in the OFF position.
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This is an instant on ground trigger wire. It must be connected to the previously installed hood and trunk pin
If the vehicle’s door courtesy light switches have a - ground output when the door is opened ( GM and most
Imports ) you must connect this wire to the negative output from one of the door switches. In most cases, the
brown wire will only need to be connected to one door switch, no matter how many doors the vehicle has.
WARNING: Do not use the brown wire if the vehicle has + 12 Volt output type door switches.
Note for vehicles with interior delay lighting see programming under title "Completing The Installation".
If the vehicle’s door courtesy light switches have a + 12 volt output when the door is opened ( most Fords and
someImports), youmustconnectthiswiretothepositiveoutputfromoneofthedoorswitches. Inmostcases,
the purple wire will only need to be connected to one door switch, no matter how many doors the vehicle has.
WARNING: Do not use the purple wire if the vehicle has ground output type door switches.
Note for vehicles with interior delay lighting see programming under title "Completing The Installation".
the remaining relay contacts as shown in the wiring diagram.
IMPORTANT: Audiovox does not recommend using this relay to interrupt the ignition wire. Only
connect this relay to the low current starter solenoid feed wire, as indicated on the wiring
to the alarm control module and plug it into the mating blue connector on the end of the module.
Route the two conductor, white connector (red and blue wires) from the previously installed LED to the alarm
control module and plug it into the mating white connector on the end of the module.
These wires will provide a pulsed ground output to the factory door lock control relay. The maximum current
draw through these outputs must not exceed 300 mA.
3 Wire Ground Switched Door Locks
In this application, the red wire provides a ground pulse during arming (pulsed ground lock) output. Con-
nect the red wire to the wire that provides a low current ground signal from the factory door lock switch to the
factory door lock control relay.
The green wire provides a ground pulse during disarming (pulsed ground unlock) output. Connect the
green wire to the wire that provides a low current ground signal from the factory door unlock switch to the
factory door lock control relay.
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3 Wire Positive Switched Door Locks
In this application, the red wire provides a positive pulse during disarming (pulsed + 12 volt unlock) output.
Connect the red wire to the wire that provides a low current positive signal from the factory door unlock switch
to the factory door lock control relay.
The green wire provides a positive pulse during arming (pulsed + 12 volt lock) output. Connect the green
wire to the wire that provides a low current positive signal from the factory door lock switch to the factory door
lock control relay.
Resistive Circuits, As Well As 4 Wire Polarity Reversal and 5 Wire Alternating 12 Volt Door Lock
Control Circuits
These applications require the use of additional components which may include relays, fixed resistors, or for
convenience, the AS 9159 Door Lock Interface. Refer to the AUDIOVOX Door Lock Wiring Supplement and or
the Audiovox fax back service for information on your particular vehicle for properly connecting to these types
of circuits.
NOTE: This unit has the ability to learn the dome light delay time, up to 60 seconds. If the vehicle has delay
interior lights, and you wish to avoid three chirp, defect zone, indication normally associated with this type of
interior light, we suggest you learn the interior light delay.
To learn the light delay, start with all doors closed:
(1) Use the transmitter to Lock / Unlock / Lock / Unlock / Lock / Unlock / Lock, the system.
The LED turns on solid to confirm the system entered the learn mode.
(2) Immediately open and close the door of the vehicle to initiate the dome delay.
The unit will monitor the door trigger input Positive, (Purple), and Negative, (Brown) when active.
When the dome light turns off, the unit will add 2 seconds then exit the learn mode.
(3) The LED will begin flashing the Armed indication indicating the unit has exited the learn mode and is
Antenna Wire : Be sure to extend the thin black antenna wire to it’s full length and cable tie into place where
it cannot be damaged. Avoid wrapping this wire around major, high current wire looms.
Adjusting the Shock Sensor : The sensitivity of the pre - detect circuit, where used, is automatically set 30%
less sensitive than the full trigger circuit.
Using a small screwdriver, gently turn the adjustment screw fully counterclockwise. ( DO NOT over turn this
screw. Maximum rotation for this adjustment is 270° ). Close the hood and trunk lids, and arm the alarm. Wait
6 seconds for the accessories trigger zone to stabilize, then firmly strike the rear bumper with the side of a
closed fist considering the amount of force required to break a window.
CAUTION : Never perform this test on the vehicle’s glass, as you may break the window.
Turn the adjustment screw clockwise ( increasing sensitivity ) about ¼ turn and re-test. Repeat this
procedure until the alarm sounds. Ultimately, one firm strike to the rear bumper will cause the alarm to emit
pre - detect warning tones.
WARNING ! Setting the sensitivity too high can cause false alarms due to noise vibrations from passing
trucks and heavy equipment. To decrease sensitivity, turn the adjustment screw counter clockwise.
Wire Dressing : Always wrap the alarm wires in convoluted tubing, or with a spiral wrap of electrical tape.
Secure these looms along the routing using cable ties. This will ensure that the alarm wires are not damaged
by falling onto hot or sharp moving surfaces in the vehicle.
Operation :
Take a few moments to check off the appropriate option boxes in the owner’s manual and to
fully explain the operation of the system to your customer.
Place the Valet Switch Tag and or the Remote Start Control Switch Tag on their respective
switches and point these out to the customer.
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© 2003 Audiovox Electronic Corporation, 150 Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788
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